Hello! Meet your tutor

Welcome to the lettering digitising course, it's lovely to have you here!

This course requires you to have Adobe Illustartor installed and ready to use:

Before we start - make sure that you have Adobe Illustartor installed on your computer. If you don't have it, head HERE to install a free 7 day trial. Click 'try for free' and select 'start free trial', it will ask for your email address to register and complete the process.

Once the file has downloaded, follow the instructions to install it on your computer. Close any other programs that are running in the background to speed up the process if your computer / Mac tends to be slow.

CLICK HERE to join the private facebook group for extra support.

You can rewatch these lessons as many times as you need, the course will always be here for you to log onto.

Hope you enjoy learning, let's get started with the first lesson!

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